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Hotel Plaza - Poitiers (France)

An interior renovation spanning design and functionality

The recently renovated Hotel Plaza in Poitiers offers welcoming and attractive spaces for guests, tourists and professionals, adopting innovative solutions and a focus on well-being and the environment

Surfaces: LEA
Private residence - Blairgowrie, Melbourne (Australia )

Seaside elegance

A gem of modern architecture located in the seaside suburb of Blairgowrie on the Mornington Peninsula near Melbourne stands out for its bright, elegant spaces complete with a swimming pool and tennis court. Italian ceramic tiles are used to enhance the interior and exterior design

Surfaces: LEA
Ürom’s House - Üröm (Венгрия)

Made in Italy – главный герой

В роскошной вилле на венгерских холмах в провинции Пешт итальянская керамика была выбрана в качестве главного материала в оформлении интерьера. В частности, для ванных комнат и кухни

Штаб-квартира Litex Surface - Гуандун (Китай)

Выставочный зал компании Litex в Фошане

Студия RCHA разработала дизайн новой штаб-квартиры компании Litex Surface в Фошане, которая занимается дистрибуцией керамических материалов, и где сосуществуют архитектура и дизайн интерьера с международным призванием

Surfaces: LEA
Uni-Invest Headquarters - Budapest (Hungary)

A home-like office space

The Budapest Headquarters of the construction and civil engineering company Uni-Invest presents a contemporary, inviting and vibrant image, with both its interiors and exteriors offering a variety of material and sensorial experiences.

Lumiere at Malcolm - Вествуд, Калифорния (США)

Роскошные квартиры на холмах Лос-Анджелеса

Новая резиденция Уильяма Хефнера, расположенная в двух шагах от Беверли-Хиллз, является примером качества и совершенства в дизайне жилых помещений: простые материалы создают изысканную и неподвластную времени обстановку

Surfaces: LEA
Частная резиденция - Будапешт (Венгрия)

В геометрическом ритме и цветовых контрастах

В зеленом районе венгерской столицы расположена просторная вилла, спроектированная архитектором Беней Иштваном, которая выделяется ультрасовременным стилем, игрой цветов и форм

Surfaces: LEA
Starbucks Brookfield Place - New York (USA)

A coffee break in New York

Situated in Brookfield Place, one of New York City’s most iconic locations, the Starbucks Reserve Bar is an exclusive haven for coffee aficionados

Surfaces: LEA
Флагманский магазин Natuzzi - Милан

Как площадь в сердце Апулии

Дизайн Фабио Новембре для рестайлинга флагманского магазина Natuzzi на улице Дурини в Милане основан на фундаментальных истоках региона Апулия. Пол из ультратонкого керамогранита призван передать теплый свет Средиземноморья

Surfaces: LEA
Kirk Kapital Headquarters - Copenhagen (Denmark)

Attractive and sustainable

The new Danish offices of Kirk Kapital combines elegant minimalism with a choice of sophisticated materials. The sober architecture and interiors are enhanced by Italian ceramic tiles installed using environmentally-friendly methods

Surfaces: LEA
The Library car park/private museum - Wanchai (Hong Kong)

Need for speed

A collector space in Hong Kong designed by the firm A Work of Substance has become a sanctuary for vintage car lovers and design enthusiasts. The spaces are enhanced by the sophisticated material appeal of Italian ceramic tiles

Surfaces: LEA
American Dream shopping mall - East Rutherford, NJ (USA)

American Dream

A contemporary reimagining of the traditional US shopping mall concept located in the suburbs of New York, combines sober architecture with an elegant selection of materials, finishes and colour combinations

Residential building 250-260 Gold Street, New York - Brooklyn, NY (USA)

Chaos outside, calm within

The multi-family building at 250-260 Gold Street in downtown Brooklyn rejects showy opulence in favour of a more relaxed aesthetic

Portico House - Miami, FL (USA)

In & Out

Portico House is a private residence that makes the most of Florida's favourable climate thanks to its combination of high-quality interiors, liveable outdoor spaces and eco-sustainability

Surfaces: LEA
Hotel Milla Montis - Maranza (BZ) (Italy)

A view of the mountains

Surrounded by the alpine meadows and majestic peaks of South Tyrol, Hotel Milla Montis revisits the vernacular tradition with a contemporary twist. It uses eco-friendly materials, including stone-effect porcelain tiles from Italy

Surfaces: LEA
BGI Brewery headquarters - Addis Ababa (Ethiopia)

The unifying power of beer

The design process for the BGI Ethiopia brewery in the centre of Addis Ababa reflects the search for a connection between different worlds and global practices

Surfaces: LEA
Tribute to Sottsass - Milan - Milano

Rebus (7-2-6 4+4)

In tribute to Ettore Sottsass, a colourful eighties-style pop-art residential interior celebrates the 40th anniversary of the Memphis Group

Surfaces: LEA
Aréna Business Campus, Budapest - Budapest (Ungheria)

Sustainability in the workplace

A large office complex close to Budapest city centre proposes an innovative vision of the workplace that combines a low environmental impact with a focus on quality of living

Surfaces: LEA
Nathan Phillips Square Bicycle Station - Toronto (Canada) - Toronto (Canada)

The modernity of bicycles and history

In Toronto's landmark square, architect Vis Sankrithi has combined the modernity of a new underground parking station for city cyclists with the location's iconic history

Surfaces: LEA
Complex in Via Principe Amedeo 5 - Milan - Milano

The third dimension

When a historic building in the centre of Milan was completely renovated to meet the needs of contemporary living, porcelain floor tiles were used to create an intriguing trompe-l'oeil effect linking past and future

Surfaces: LEA