EnergieKer obtains UNI EN ISO 14001: 2015 certification
In 2023, EnergieKer has obtained UNI EN ISO 14001: 2015 certification demonstrating its commitment to minimise the environmental impact of its production processes. The standard sets out a detailed set of criteria for a company’s environmental management system (EMS) and certifies the validity of the measures adopted to protect the internal and external environment.
This important international certification recognises EnergieKer’s commitment to comply with environmental and land protection laws through continuous analysis of its production processes, R&D, design, purchasing and materials handling.
As a result of years of strategic choices aimed at developing an efficient environmental management system, EnergieKer has implemented and maintains a UNI EN ISO 14001: 2015 compliant EMS for design, development and full cycle production, including raw materials reception and storage, wet milling using recycled water, spray drying, pressing, drying, glazing, firing, grinding, lapping, sorting and sale of porcelain floor and wall tiles for indoor and outdoor use; recovery of non-hazardous solid and liquid waste within the production cycle; production of electricity from a photovoltaic system and thermal and electrical energy from a cogeneration plant.
EnergieKer’s investments are focused on protecting all environmental resources on every production line and to ensuring compliance with the highest green economy standards.