Editorials Comments

Manufacturing excellence takes the spotlight at Cersaie | by Andrea Serri
One aspect of Cersaie that at first glance might appear to be just a detail but is actually a crucial factor is that it is an exhibition of solely manufacturers. After all, it is manufacturing that creates the trends that are appreciated by end consumers and guide their purchasing decisions, so an international exhibition focusing on these originators of innovation is a major attraction in itself. But this is all the more significant if we consider that no fewer than 40 countries are represented at the show and that exhibition space was fully sold out months before it was due to open, obliging the organisers to limit participation to truly outstanding examples of global excellence. This is yet another factor contributing to the enormous appeal of Cersaie, the International Exhibition of Ceramic Tile and Bathroom Furnishings held at the end of September each year in Bologna.
Launching new products is a fundamental step in any company’s business. It is vital to choose the best platform, the correct time and the right target audience: getting even one of these things wrong could prove fatal for the company’s business growth. Cersaie is the right place and the right time. To appreciate this, all one has to do is wander around the stands and count up the number of new products that are being launched for the very first time at a world level. While this trend reflects the astonishing efforts made by individual companies, it becomes a truly collective phenomenon in terms of the potential expressed by the 840 exhibitors present.
This collective phenomenon has now entered a virtuous cycle and become reality for all players in the ceramic tile and bathroom furnishings supply chain at a global level. Originally organised as an exhibition catering for the Italian and international distribution networks, Cersaie has gradually reached out to other players such as architects, design firms and tile layers who are keen to follow the development of a product that is no longer limited to residential applications but has expanded into the field of large-scale projects. This process of expansion of the target audience has extended as far as Italian end consumers interested in purchasing or renovating their homes, who come to the show in search of advice and inspiration. There are very few exhibitions that can boast an attendance of more than 110,000 visitors, and almost none where international visitors make up almost 50% of the total. Cersaie is all of this and more.
September 2018