Confindustria Ceramica was one of the first Italian trade associations to promote a contractual welfare practice1. Its collaboration with trade unions led to the creation in 1997 of FONCER: the Supplementary Capitalisation Pension Fund for employees in the Italian ceramic tile and refractory materials industry.

The benefits of FONCER

The aim of FONCER is to provide workers with welfare benefits to supplement their state pension. In addition, supplementary pensions offer tax relief on contributions and yields for workers. A further benefit is the fact that companies pay an additional contribution for participating workers1.

Recipients of the fund

While participation in FONCER is voluntary, the benefits have led more than 13,280* employees of the Italian ceramic and refractory materials industry to sign up.
Specifically, the fund is aimed at:

  • factory workers, office workers, middle managers and employees of production cooperatives with permanent employment contracts;
  • workers with apprenticeship and fixed-term contracts longer than six months;
  • workers’ tax-dependent family members.

In line with the UN’s 2030 Agenda

The launch of FONCER back in 1997 testifies to the Italian ceramic industry’s decades-long commitment to social and economic sustainability and demonstrates that is now aligned with goal number 8 of the UN 2030 Agenda2: promoting sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all3.

*Data as of 31 December 2024.