Close links to the local community
The extensive and longstanding presence of industrial companies in the Civita Castellana ceramic cluster guarantees a high level of local employment in the industry and in allied sectors.
Today, a total of 2,100 people work either directly or indirectly in the industry, underscoring the important role it plays for the area’s economy and employment.
Companies based in the cluster are also involved in numerous activities to support the local community. Through contributions and donations, the companies support cultural activities, publications, artistic events, sports activities, the local health service and schools.
An important project for the community
One important project for the local area, called “Recycling Ceramic Waste”, is being carried out as part of the “KET’s – Enabling Technologies” call for proposals under the Italian government’s Industry 4.0 Programme and involves reusing 20-40% of ceramic scrap to create unique, environmentally sustainable products. This project also marks a response to international competition as it combats the proliferation of synthetic products and aims to secure new market shares in countries with higher environmental awareness.