
wohnen in der vorstadt

Villa Can Zol in Ibiza is a striking example of contemporary architecture in harmony with its natural surroundings, seamlessly integrating into the island’s landscape. Designed by Gabriel Olivera from the practice Go+, the villa’s spaces extend into the outdoors to offer a year-round living experience

Belagflächen: FLAVIKER
Private home - Chisinau (Moldova)

Neutral colours and understated elegance

In Chisinau, Moldova, a home with spacious, comfortable interiors was designed to convey a sense of tranquillity. This was the owners’ main request, embraced by AB + Partners and brought to life through the use of high-quality materials and a carefully curated colour palette

Belagflächen: FLORIM
Ladybug House - Bodrum (Turkey)

Reflections of nature in Bodrum

A profound connection with nature and the pursuit of harmony guided architect Yeşim Kozanlı in her project for Ladybug House, a residence that looks out over the Aegean Sea

Belagflächen: ATLAS CONCORDE
Private villa in Toscana Valley - Khao Yai (Thailand )

An exotic yet familiar landscape

Toscana Valley, located in the mountainous region of Khao Yai just a few hours’ drive from Bangkok, is a luxury resort and residential complex ideal for weekend retreats. Its architectural style, inspired by Tuscan villages, makes it a unique destination

Belagflächen: COEM
VS House - Pandino (CR) (Italien)

Für eine neue Tradition

In Pandino, im Herzen der Landschaft der Po-Ebene, interpretiert ein neues Einfamilienhaus die antike Typologie des „Cremasque-Bauernhauses“ neu und zeitgemäß. Ohne sie zu verfälschen und mit besonderem Augenmerk auf Materialien und Energieeinsparung

Belagflächen: TERREAL ITALIA
Casa Noal - Rudiano (BS)

Stile identitario

Gioca sull’armonizzazione fra un’architettura di sobria eleganza e un interior design contemporaneo il progetto di Casa Noal, una residenza privata progettata con una spiccata attenzione alla sostenibilità. Anche grazie a rivestimenti ceramici che uniscono ricerca formale e basso impatto ambientale

Belagflächen: FLORIM
Panoramic House - Itajaì (Brasilien)

Preisgekrönte Schönheit

Das in Itajaì im brasilianischen Bundesstaat Santa Caterina gelegene Panoramic House ist ein beeindruckendes neomodernistisches Gebäude, das die Vorgaben der zeitgenössischen Carioca-Architektur mit Strenge und Fantasie interpretiert: Einfachheit, Integration, landschaftliche Einbettung, ökologische Nachhaltigkeit

Belagflächen: LAMINAM
Villa Orb - Marina Velca, Tarquinia (VT) (Italy)

The culture of renovation

A white, relaxing and light-filled building immersed in nature is the new image chosen for this holiday home by two collectors from Rome with an obsession for Lego. The choice of flooring brings unexpected colour and dynamism to the space and is a delightful surprise!

Belagflächen: FIORANESE
A Cornish home - Mawgan Porth (UK)

The powerful colours of nature

A large skylight and expansive, fully openable windows establish a direct connection between the outdoor landscape and the interior spaces of this stunning home in Mawgan Porth, on the North Cornish coast

Belagflächen: COEM
Private home in Cornwall - Saint Mawgan (UK)

A secluded natural retreat

In the small, romantic village of St Mawgan in Cornwall, a family has built a home that fulfils their dream of living in close contact with nature. The neutral tones and large, bright interiors blend in with the surrounding environment while embodying a simple, genuine lifestyle

Belagflächen: COEM
Villa Pirello - Guardiagrele (CH) (Italy)

Living almost without boundaries

Reclaimed from a ruin near Chieti and offering a breathtaking view of the Maiella National Park, Villa Pirello is a construction where the boundary between inside and outside seems to dissolve into a seamless continuum. This is largely achieved through an effective use of materials

Belagflächen: FIORANESE
Loft M50 - Turin (Italien)

Minimalismus und Wesentlichkeit

Die Prinzipien der japanischen Architektur inspirieren ein Projekt, das Räume und Materialien aufwertet, indem es die Eigenschaften von großen Keramikplatten nutzt

Private villa, Albissola Marina (SV) - Albissola Marina (Savona) (Italy)

Behold, the sea

The sea is a dominant presence alongside the marble and Corten steel-effect porcelain stoneware tiles in a home extension project in Albissola Marina

Belagflächen: LAMINAM
Landhaus - Moira (Nord-Irland, UK)

Verwandlung im irischen Stil

Ein Herrenhaus aus der Tudorzeit auf dem irischen Land wird dank einer radikalen Renovierung, zu der italienische Produkte einen wesentlichen Beitrag geleistet haben, in moderner Form wiedergeboren

Belagflächen: LA FABBRICA AVA

Die Herausforderung für den Architekten bestand darin, in einem Haus auf dem polnischen Lande, das durch die Überschneidung bestehender Eingriffe gekennzeichnet ist, Harmonie zu schaffen und ihm Zeitgemäßheit zu verleihen

Belagflächen: FIORANESE
Swimming pool in the Plain of Catania - Catania (Italy)

A swimming pool set in a citrus grove

A swimming pool located in the Plain of Catania seamlessly integrates with the natural landscape, becoming a point of intersection between the countryside and the built environment and offering exceptional views of nature

Coastal Florida Keys Home - Big Pine Key, FL (USA)

Ein Leben mit Meeresblick

In Florida hat das Studio Dkor Interiors ein (Traum-)Ferienhaus entworfen, in dem man inmitten der Schönheit der tropischen Inseln leben kann

Casa V - San José (Costa Rica)

Mit Kunst und Natur leben

Im neuen Wohnprojekt von Taller KEN in Costa Rica tragen der üppige Bambus, das für die Decke verwendete Holz und die vom Stein inspirierte Keramik dazu bei, Casa V zu einem besonderen Ort zu machen

Belagflächen: ITALGRANITI
Borgo Hermada - Turin (Italy)

Ancient origins with a modern twist

The restoration of a former 20th-century convent and the ancient Villa Angelica in Turin was the first step in a project to redevelop the urban area surrounding the Gothic Russian Orthodox church of San Massimo and the entire zone located between the city and the hills

Belagflächen: KEOPE
Bungalow Renovation - Saint-Leu, Stella Matutina district (Reunion Island)

Der Komfort einer neuen Suite, umgeben vom Dschungel

Die größte Herausforderung bei diesem Projekt bestand darin, in einen bestehenden Kontext einzugreifen und dabei die natürliche Umwelt so weit wie möglich zu respektieren

Belagflächen: COEM
Paraiso 354 vacation home - Guanacaste (Costa Rica)

Exotic atmospheres

Paraiso 354 is a vacation home looking out onto a beautiful tropical landscape. Its close relationship with the natural environment is reflected in the sophisticated, minimalistic interiors where natural materials such as wood contrast with the chic elegance of marble-effect porcelain.

Belagflächen: MIRAGE
Mulberry Court - Hampton Wick (United Kingdom)

The beauty of independent living

In the London suburb of Hampton Wick, a newly-built architectural complex sets new quality standards in independent living and is the ideal setting for a relaxed yet invigorating retirement

Belagflächen: MARCA CORONA
Villa Arrecife Royale - Santo Domingo, Punta Cana (Dominikanische Republik )

Verzauberte Karibik

Zwischen den kristallklaren Gewässern der Dominikanischen Republik auf der Entdeckung eines paradiesischen Hauses

Belagflächen: NOVABELL
Villa Guadalmina - Malaga (Spain)

The fluid spaces of an energy-efficient villa

The contemporary volumes of Villa Guadalmina, a near-zero-emissions project on Spain's Costa del Sol, maintain a functional and reassuring connection between interior and exterior.

Belagflächen: MARAZZI
Villa Emerald - Lake Garda (Italy)

A gem by the lake

This elegant villa stands out for its transparent and white surfaces, beautifully designed architectural details and an unusual boomerang shape that fits discreetly into the landscape of a village on the Lombardy shore of Lake Garda

Belagflächen: LAMINAM

An der Plemmirio-Küste in Siracusa führt uns die zeitgenössische Architektur zu einer multisensorischen Erfahrung inmitten der sizilianischen Meereslandschaft

Belagflächen: KEOPE
Temporary House Talo Pukkila - Naantali (Finlandia)

Zeitgemäßes Wohnen

Ein funktionelles und elegantes Wohnkonzept, dessen Materialwahl von Nachhaltigkeit und Respekt für die Umwelt geprägt ist. Casa Pukkila interpretiert die typisch nordische Architektur neu, indem es auf Funktionalität, Gemütlichkeit und Verkleidungen aus bestem italienischen Design setzt

Belagflächen: RICCHETTI
Private villa - Venlo (Netherlands)

Eco-friendly and contemporary

The ceramic tiles used in the exterior spaces of a private home in the Netherlands combine elegance with functionality and care for the environment

Belagflächen: CAESAR
Private Villa - Costa de los Pinos, Mallorca (Spanien)

Zarte mallorquinische Atmosphären

Die größte Insel der Balearen ist Schauplatz einer eleganten, modernen Residenz, die unter Berücksichtigung der ursprünglichen Struktur (ein Maleratelier) und des Genius Loci renoviert wurde und den doppelten Blick auf das Mittelmeer und die Landzunge der Insel bewahrt

Belagflächen: VERDE
Privater Wohnsitz - Bosch en Duin (Netherlands)

Neues Leben für die Villa

In Bosch en Duin, im Herzen der Niederlande, wurden die Innenräume einer Villa aus den 1930er Jahren im Geiste des Zeitgenössischen umgestaltet, mit dem Ziel, eine seltene und gemütliche Essenz zu vermitteln

Belagflächen: COEM
Villa Le Gradelle - Isola di Capri - Capri

A terrace overlooking the sea

The highlight of Villa Le Gradelle in Marina Piccola on the island of Capri is its large panoramic terrace offering extraordinary views of the rooftops, the Faraglioni sea stacks and the boundless sea

Belagflächen: FLORIM
Beijing Olympic Village - Beijing (China)

Beijing, Italy

The material chosen to clad the buildings in the Olympic Village created for the 2022 Olympic Winter Games in Beijing offers an outstanding example of Italian manufacturing excellence

Belagflächen: LAMINAM
Tigertail single-family residence - Bel Air, CA (USA)

A masculine concept of architecture

Rough surfaces inspired by natural materials, earth colours, stone and wood. These are the architectural elements of the Tigertail residence, one of the homes designed by DI Group in the hills in the Los Angeles suburb of Bel Air

Academia Single-family residence - Encino, CA (USA)

Inspired by the suburbs of ancient Athens

A villa named 'Academia' located in the hills of Encino, Los Angeles county is one of the latest projects by the design firm DI Group, which is working on some of the most stunning properties in the hills around the city

Stradella single-family residence - Bel Air, CA (USA)

Organic design speaks Italian

A Bel Air mansion with an open and versatile floor plan combines elements of organic architecture with the quality of Italian ceramic tiles. The property maintains a harmonious relationship with its surroundings thanks to the presence of local natural elements inside the home

Portico House - Miami, FL (USA)

In & Out

Portico House is a private residence that makes the most of Florida's favourable climate thanks to its combination of high-quality interiors, liveable outdoor spaces and eco-sustainability

Belagflächen: LEA
House in the hills - Montevecchia (LC)

A converted wine cellar

In the hills near Montevecchia in Upper Brianza to the north of Milan, a former 19th-century agricultural building has been repurposed and given a new look. The result is a family home that combines history and modernity, starting with the choice of materials

Belagflächen: BLUSTYLE
Private home - Aalsmeer (Netherlands)

Beauty in the polder

An apartment located on the Ringvaart (ring canal) in Aalsmeer, the town of flowers just outside Amsterdam, stands out for its sophisticated interior design and neo-baroque atmospheres

Belagflächen: CAESAR
Mount Eliza Residence - Mornington (Australia)

Discreetly classy

The elegant, minimalist Mount Eliza residence has been designed to fit sensitively into the natural surroundings of the coastal resort of Mornington, Australia

Display House Florida - Palmilla Ct, Reunion, FL (USA)

Under the Florida sun

The perfect place to enjoy the Sunshine State's many attractions, the villa looks out over a lush green landscape of golf courses and swimming pools. Ceramic tile was chosen to enhance the bright and airy ambience

Casa Velo - Siete Aguas (Spain)

A contrast of white and wood tones

A villa located in the rugged hills of the autonomous community of Valencia in Spain stands out for its essential neo-rationalist style that contrasts the pure white of the exterior and interior with the warm honey colour of the wood-effect ceramic floors

Belagflächen: MARAZZI
Private country house - Amelia (TERNI)

Contemporary classic

A renovation project in the bucolic setting of the Tiber valley in central Italy recreates the timeless appeal of a rural farmhouse while adding a contemporary touch through a judicious choice of materials and finishes

Belagflächen: FIORANESE
Villa Allegra - Costa Rica (Costa Rica)

Tropical neomodernism

Immersed in a fairy-tale landscape close to the Pacific Ocean on Costa Rica's western coast, Villa Allegra testifies to the architect's skill at reconciling contemporary architecture with a powerful sense of place

Belagflächen: FLORIM
Re: VMax House - Lodz (Poland)

A sculptural house in Lodz

Architect Marcin Tomaszewski's project for a house standing on a sloping plot of land uses versatile large-size ceramic tiles for the external cladding to create an iconic structure

Belagflächen: LAMINAM
Stacy Drive Luxury home - Westhampton Beach, NY (USA)

An eco-friendly home in the Hamptons

A family home designed by architects Jaclyn and Josh Manes in the wetlands of Westhampton Beach, New York State stands out for its low environmental footprint and makes full use of natural light and the warmth of the sun

Belagflächen: FLORIM
Native Beach Villa - Creta (Grecia)

On the shores of a mythical sea

On the southwest coast of Crete, a villa overlooking the crystal-clear waters of a bay reflects the spirit of the Greek island with its fluid spaces and materials in harmony with nature

Belagflächen: KRONOS 2
Private home in Finland - Finlandia (Finlandia)

A lakeside home

Immersed in the magnificent natural landscape of northern Finland, this house uses contrasting materials, precious finishes and design elements to create a warm and inviting atmosphere

Belagflächen: RICCHETTI
Villa Serenity - Solarino (SR)

Tropic of Sicily

In a villa immersed in the Sicilian countryside, Mediterranean spirit meets the magic of the Tropics thanks to skilful and original use of ceramic tiles

Belagflächen: DEL CONCA
Casa Las Vistas - Escazu (Costa Rica)

Nature inside and out

The jungle "invades" the interior of a single-family home in the hills surrounding San José, the capital of Costa Rica

Belagflächen: ITALGRANITI
Villa Levante - Albarella (RO) - Isola di Albarella (RO)

A contemporary pile dwelling

Peace, clean air, lush vegetation, sports facilities, entertainment and good food: the island of Albarella offers all this and more

Belagflächen: MARAZZI
Residential Complex Cedrus Residence - Minusio (Switzerland)

Relaxing by the lake

A luxury holiday complex with elegant and rigorous architecture and a large wellness and spa centre was opened a few months ago in Brioni, a hillside village located in the municipality of Minusio, just outside Locarno in the Ticino canton

Belagflächen: FLORIM
Wheaton Way private home - Southampton, NY (USA)

New Hamptons Style

A luxury home located near Southampton on Long Island, the popular holiday destination of the New York elite, has a rigorous composition consisting of transparent white parallelepipeds where ceramic surfaces have both a practical and an aesthetic function

Belagflächen: FLORIM
Private home, Fendalton House 4 - Christchurch (New Zealand) - Christchurch (Nuova Zelanda (NZ))

A piece of Palm Springs in New Zealand

Modernist influences have shaped an elegant home for a family of three built by O'Neil Architects and Lume Design to replace an earthquake-damaged property in Christchurch

Belagflächen: ASCOT
MXM single-family villa - Aragón (E) - Aragòn (Spagna)

Living in harmony with nature

In Aragón in northern Spain, i2G Arquitectos has designed a single-family home based on ecodesign and passive house principles, incorporating solar collectors, CO2 sensors, a geothermal system, a green roof and scenic architecture totally integrated into nature

Belagflächen: ITALGRANITI
Rob Roy private home - Perth (Australia) - Perth (Australia)

A panoramic view of the Indian Ocean

A new and contemporary form of modernism provided the inspiration for this home with large spaces and high-quality finishes on Australia's west coast

Belagflächen: ITALGRANITI
Enterprise Mi20 headquarters - Milan - Milano

Mi20, a forward-looking rationalist style

The architects from Spazi Multipli reinterpret Marcello Piacentini's rationalist building in a futuristic vein in the restyling project for Enterprise's Milan headquarters

Jesolo Lido Beach Villa - Jesolo

A villa for two families

Located close to the famous Jesolo Lido beach, a long and narrow black-and-white building has been divided into two halves to allow the families of two brothers to spend their holidays together while maintaining their independence

James Island Estate private residence - Charleston (USA)

Waterfront House

Standing on the banks of a river in a splendid nature reserve in South Carolina, USA, this holiday home blends in with the natural environment, particularly in terms of the choice of materials

Belagflächen: MARCA CORONA
Geneva Villa - Geneva (Switzerland)

Sustainable minimalism

Geneva Villa, located in the largest city in French-speaking Switzerland and winner of a "2020 mention" in the Ceramics and Design architecture competition, demonstrates how environmental responsibility and energy efficiency can play a leading role in contemporary residential architecture and help improve its aesthetic qualities

Blue Coast Villa - Roquebrune (F) - Roquebrune (Francia)

Neomodernism on the Côte d’Azur

In Roquebrune-Cap-Martin, three Italian architects have followed in the footsteps of Eileen Gray and Le Corbusier in their design for a villa that stands as a manifesto for both essential architecture and the use of ceramic materials

Belagflächen: LAMINAM
Domaine Les Jardins de Madeleine - Bernardvillé (F) - Alsazia (Francia)

Slow tourism in Alsace

A former stately home in Bernardvillé has been converted into a guesthouse immersed in green, natural surroundings close to France's first thematic tourist route, the famous Alsace Wine Route

Belagflächen: FONDOVALLE
Villa Tornavento - Lonate Pozzolo (VA)

A ceramic-clad house

In a small town on the outskirts of the Ticino Park in Lombardy, a residential project intelligently harnesses the compositional potential of porcelain tiles. The exterior façade cladding in particular gives new life and architectural value to an anonymous building dating back to the 1960s

Belagflächen: MARCA CORONA
Private villa - Reggiolo (RE) - Reggiolo

Eclectic styles

A rural property in the province of Reggio Emilia has been brought back to life in a painstaking interior design project that reconciles past and present with a skilful blend of solutions and materials

Belagflächen: CERASARDA
Casa Canale, Vasto (CH) - Vasto (CH)

The 4D manifesto of a European research project

The concept of all-round eco-sustainability was the guiding principle behind Casa Canale, a home designed by Pietro De Cinque

Belagflächen: ABK
M+B Residence Club de Golf la Herradura - Monterrey (Mexico)

Jagged beauty

Set in a picturesque valley in Monterrey, Mexico, the M+B Residence Club de Golf la Herradura is a luxurious residence with a unique material and stylistic connection with the surrounding landscape

Perla Saracena Luxury Suites - Torre Pali di Salve (LE) - Torre Pali (Puglia) (ITALY)

Luxurious modernity and the Salento hospitality tradition

A new luxury resort stands amongst the green of the Mediterranean maquis close to the sandy coast known as the "Maldives of Salento"

Belagflächen: COTTO D'ESTE
Copper Shell House - Moscow (Russia) - Mosca (Russia)

Timeless architecture

Architect Aleksandra Fedorova has created a sculptural, timeless house in Moscow consisting of pure volumes and materials inspired by natural tones of rusted iron and marble

Belagflächen: LAMINAM
Dunes Beach residential complex - Marbella (Spain) - Marbella (Spagna)

Dream residences close to the sea and golf courses

The Dunes Beach project designed by SC Arquitectos offers guests an unforgettable experience in a setting of international luxury and comfort

Private villa - Favignana (Trapani) - Favignana

A Mediterranean jewel

On Favignana, one of the most beautiful of all the Aegadian islands, a dilapidated villa rebuilt in a contemporary style blends into the landscape while using cutting-edge technology to withstand the devastating effects of the location's high salinity

Belagflächen: MARAZZI
Private residence The Black House - Isle of Skye (Scotland) - Isola di Skye (Scozia)

The Black House

Perched on the rocky coast of the Isle of Skye, the strictly geometric volumes are inspired by black houses, the traditional agricultural buildings of the Scottish Highlands

Belagflächen: KEOPE
Private villa - Tenerife - Costa Adeje (Tenerife)

In the sun of the Canary Islands

A permanent holiday home in Tenerife combines traditional architecture with the demands of an open-air lifestyle

Belagflächen: CAESAR
Private villa - Malta - Malta (Malta)

Parallel planes

A nondescript Maltese villa has been reinvented through a series of ingenious and highly functional technical and aesthetic solutions that enable it to blend in with the surrounding landscape and the beckoning sea on the horizon

Lake House private villa - Capitólio (Brazil)

A dream home

A villa with large indoor and outdoor living spaces in Capitólio, Brazil features a swimming pool and fully-equipped spaces for relaxation and comfort

Belagflächen: FLORIM